|Preview:| this area shows the current gradient when passed through the image processor. For screen display, to speed update, a pattern is used to show the gradient.
|Gradient:| enter the control values for semi-custom gradients. Gradients are used only within the image processor. Gradients can extend for infinity in all directions.
|Pattern:| for infinite gradients, this checkbox causes an pattern repeat. (See |Limited| checkbox).
|Angle:| specify a positive (clockwise) or negative (counter-clockwise) rotation of the gradient.
|Pixel:|, select parameters based on the image processor pixel format. The color group, blending, and I/O are independently for each format.
|Form:| choose the way colors increment through gradient.
|Limited:| defaults off. Turn on to extend the gradient to infinity. If you set the |Pattern| checkbox, then be sure to set this checkbox.
|Geometric:| if set, then gradient values change exponential; otherwise values change arithmetically.
|Levels:| specify the number of transition levels (but use zero for smoothest transition).
|Starting Color| click to change the starting color, the 'black' fill color.
|Ending Color| click to change the ending color, the 'white' fill color.
|Blends:| for color processing, the blend can be based on the HSB color values.
|Angle:| enter positive or negative value in degrees. Decimal points are allowed, as well as rotations >360 or less than -360. Fractional values represent rotation as a fraction of 360°.
|Shape:| specify the general shape of the gradient.
|White Inside:| use this value with the |Repeat| checkbox. For multiple repeats the extra repeats are shown as white.
|Repeats:| enter an integral number for the repeat rate of the pattern.
|Inner Oval:| if on, the gradient is limited to an oval area. This allows see-through areas outside the oval.
|Color Transition:| when image processing with color, these colors (the fill colors) are the starting and ending colors of the gradient.